Keystone Grants 

2024 Applications Now Open for Submission

Apply for a Keystone Grant
Description of Award
The purpose of the Histochemical Society’s Keystone Grant is to encourage interest among postdoctoral and clinical fellows in visual techniques that provide biochemical and molecular information about the structure and function of cells, tissues and organs. This grant will provide funds to assist these scientists in conducting research involving immunohistochemistry, histochemical techniques, in situ hybridization, or related techniques. The 2023 grant amount is $4,000 and should be used for direct costs only.  Award recipients will have approximately one year to perform the research.  Grant recipients will be required to report their findings to The Histochemical Society Education Committee upon the completion of the project.  Recipients will also be required to submit an abstract for presentation at the Histochemical Society’s Annual Meeting or another major scientific conference and are encouraged to apply to the HCS Travel Awards to aid in attendance.

Applicant Requirements
Applicants must be postdoctoral fellows or graduate medical trainees (clinical fellows), including combined degree program graduates (residents or fellows) or equivalent research training program (i.e. supporting post-doctoral students).  Eligible degrees for applicants include but are not limited to PhD, MD/PhD, DVM/PhD, DDS/PhD, MD/MS or equivalent level of research experience.  Graduates with only an MD should apply for the Cornerstone Grant.  All awardees must be members of the Histochemical Society before funds will be disbursed.

Applications will be evaluated on the effective and correct use of visual techniques such as immunohistochemistry and other histochemical techniques as well as the extent to which completion of the project requires these methods. The likelihood that the project will be successfully completed (based on availability of appropriate laboratory space, equipment, and institutional support) and significance of the question being addressed will also be considered. Basic, applied, and translational or clinical research proposals are eligible. Click here for more information about application scoring.

Successful applicants should submit a summary of their project in the form of a scientific manuscript.  This should be submitted within two months of the project’s completion date.  Participation in follow-up surveys regarding long-term outcomes is expected.

Grant Timeline   
Sept 1 to Oct 30: Application site open
Deadline to apply: October 30, 2024.
November: Applications reviewed
December: Applicants notified 
January: Funds disbursed
March 30 of following year: Report to be submitted to the HCS Education Committee
November of following year: Abstract submitted to HCS Annual Meeting/Experimental Biology

Research Plan Format
To apply, complete the online form which includes submission of a Research Plan (Four page limit, excluding figures and references, PDF). Please include the following:
  1. Specific aims/ objectives
  2. Significance, including previous/supporting data
  3. Approach, including description of proposed techniques, why IHC and/or histochemistry techniques are necessary for project success.
    ( Please note that it is expected that the grant recipient will become technically knowledgeable as regards all aspects of techniques required for the research. If any aspects are partially outsourced to a laboratory or technician, details on how the grantee will manage this should be included in the application package.)
  4. Environment including laboratory support and mentoring in techniques, if needed
  5. Timeline
  6. Outcomes, deliverables, and dissemination plan
  7. Itemized budget (include other funding sources)
  8. References

Submission Guidelines:  Four page limit, excluding figures and references, margins should be no smaller than 1”, font should be 10pt. Arial or Times New Roman, one figure may be included.  Submit in PDF format.


To apply, you must submit your Research Plan (outlined above), project budget, applicant’s biosketch, mentor's biosketch, and letter of support. Applicants will also be asked to provide an ORCID ID. (To obtain an ORCID ID, follow the instructions here  Deadline to apply: October 30, 2024.


Apply for a Keystone Grant
 Meet the 2023 Awardees!